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The code of the invisible soul of Leonardo EXCELLENCE 

Leonardo Da Vinci divided movements into “material” and “spiritual”, or into visible and invisible. While smiling, the human face shows a visible motion/change, on the contrary when you get  old and wrinkles appear, changes are imperceptible therefore invisible. Landslides and earthquakes are visible movements of the earth, erosions and the mountain rising are invisible changes.

Leonardo compares the human body to the earth; veins are rivers, flesh is the soil, bones are rocks etc.. Leonardo studied anatomy, geology and the SOUL. Once he performed the autopsy of a pregnant woman and her fetus.

His deductions will cause a deep contrast with Pope Leone X who didn’t allow him to perform any further autopsies. At that time the Catholic Church considered these messages to be esoteric  because they discredited unquestionable anatomy and geological principles.

My theory, based on Leonardo’s notes and sketches on optical physics, is that he hid messages in his painting using a tool, that I named “semispecular stereoscope”, and I will show its application to “The Virgin of the Rocks” on show in Paris to make visible, to the naked eye, an invisible image.

Luca Caricato PhD in History of Arts, Master of Arts in Modern Languages